Cultivating a Healthy Mind-Body-Relationship in the 21st century
Hello dear visitor,
I am a humanist committed to embodiment.
I offer group and individual lessons in the Feldenkrais Method of somatic education and neuromuscular retraining, which involves:
Focus on Awareness: The Feldenkrais Method emphasizes awareness through movement, guiding clients to sense and refine inefficient patterns in their movements.
Rewiring Movement Patterns: By breaking down and exploring small, intentional movements, Feldenkrais practitioners enable the nervous system to „relearn“ and adopt more functional and efficient movement patterns.
Reducing Effort and Tension: The Feldenkraisian approach recognizes that overcompensation and habitual tension often lead to dysfunction, and seeks to restore balance by engaging the nervous system in a calm, exploratory manner.
I recommend checking out this site Awareness Through Movement Classes – Feldenkrais Method for more information about group sessions, and this one Functional Integration Sessions – Feldenkrais Method for details on individual lessons.
You are very welcome to get in touch with me if you have any questions or requests:
Online courses

A ten-session-course exploring the transformative power of the Feldenkrais Method.
For more info: Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement – Paideia Folkhögskola
WE’VE ALREADY RECEIVED 23 APPLICATIONS!!! Application deadline for remaining spots: Jan., 5th – costs: 200 SEK (ca. 20 Euros for the whole course) – course start: Feb. 20th